The Redlands Area Historical Society, Inc.
Heritage Award 1977
H. H. Daniels Home
454 LaVerne Street
Perhaps the first subdivision in Redlands was located on LaVerne Street between Fern and Home Place. Mr. H. H. Daniels constructed the six residences including 454 LaVerne in 1894. A city ordinance required that all homes be different in exterior design. This requirement meant that each of the six cottages on LaVerne had to be distinctive from the exterior.
The homes all are one story, five rooms and descriptively alike on the exterior, except for the obvious reversal of building plans to satisfy the city ordinance. Each home cost $1,200.
The first owner of 454 LaVerne was James A. O’Kelly, who was an orange rancher. Mr. C.F. Simms, county tax assessor, purchased 439 LaVerne in February of 1892. Mr. Henry Freed bought 457 LaVerne in January of 1893. David H. Walton, another rancher, moved into his cottage at 444 LaVerne in March of 1895. W.L. Pyle and C.S. Cochrane purchased 447 LaVerne in February of 1892. The last home sold of the original subdivision was in 1898 to Mr. F. Montecel at 451 LaVerne.
Each of the six cottages display quaint Victorian styles. Spindles and intricate woodwork are much in evidence.
Mrs. L.D. Lawrie was congratulated for helping the cottage become a 1977 Heritage Award.