Willard Canady Home


Redlands Area Historical Society

Willard & Alice Canady Home

118 Parkwood Drive


Celebrating its centennial anniversary, the home was built by Willard and Alice Canady for $1,500. Originally a five-room cottage, Victorian Queen Anne architecture, it stands one and a half stories high, facing serene Smiley Park. The property, originally owned by the Smileys, was sold to the Canadys for $600. This high-hipped gabled house could easily be nicknamed the “Cutaway Bay House” due to the numerous angles in its design.

Six concrete steps lead to a front covered porch that expands half the width of the house. Supported by three Roman Tuscan unfluted colums, the porch is surrounded by round spindlework railing and balustrades. The porch with 45 degree angles on each end also includes a small cantilevered extension on the north side. A decorative Douglas fir panel door with a large single light glass on the top half is centrally located between two cutaway bays. Centered above the front door is a hipped dormer with three small rectangular windows. Around the north side of the house is an additional cutaway bay. Located on the north towards the rear is a 45 degree angled corner, which connects the north and the west walls. Another cutaway bay faces the driveway to the south. South and towards the rear of the house is a “V” shaped contilevered bay with a set of double hung windows. A wall projection to the south squares off the rear. Because of the numerous bays the home has the appearance of being flanked by two partial octagons on the front northerly and southerly portions.

The front cutaway bays include a central large stationary window with upper decorative divided light window. Double hung wooden windows are placed at each side and can be found throughout the house. Owners Scott and Venessa Vincent pointed out the additional two doors, one facing northeast on the front porch and the other facing southwest (with no stairs) leading to the driveway. After purchasing the home, the Vincents were pleasantly surprised to discovered that Scott’s uncle Jim Farnham had visited the 1947 owners, Joseph and Rosa Carroll, when he was approximately 11 years old.

The Vincents have worked diligently to restore the home. Stripping and refinishing the molding and hardwood floors have been a labor of love. With their 18-month old son, Pearson, the Vincents enjoy their landscaped yard from their porch.

It is with pride that the Redlands Area Historical Society, Inc. presents this Heritage Award to the Vincent family.


Researched and written by Rosa E. Gomez.