The Redlands Area Historical Society, Inc.
“Eureka Street Walking Tour – Part II”
Saturday, January 25, 2025
10:00 a.m.
Eureka Street & Home Place
The second part of the Eureka Street Walking tour is scheduled for January 25th beginning at Eureka and Home Place at 10:00 a.m. The Redlands Area Historical Society charges $10 for members and $15 for nonmembers. The fundraising supports the Fourth graders’ tours of Redlands sponsored by A.K. Smiley Library.
This tour begins with the Alvarado Terrace subdivision with homes built between 1910-1926 in the 400-block. The 300-block of Eureka has homes built from the 1890s in the Holden Villa Tract display Victorian architectural features. Many homes demonstrate the desire to remodel to more modern styles even though no particular style illustrates conformity. The 200 block has lost several homes but those remaining are good examples of the complete neighborhood before the transition.
The tour then will pass Sacred Heart Church now renamed which began in 1896 on the corner with West Olive. The school began in 1898 and is the oldest parochial school in Redlands. To accommodate church parking and the expanding school in 1948 the church demolished many homes in the 200-block. All the homes in the 100-block date from the 1890s. Only the addition of Smiley Park and the building of A. K. Smiley Library brought changes.
Walking tours do not require reservations. For further information contact (909) 307-4661.