Harry H. Ford, whose residence property on Redlands Heights is known as the Edgewood Ranch, was born in Philadelphia, Penn., July 27, 1865. His education was obtained in public and private schools of that city and at 21 years of age he resigned a responsible position, which he had held for six years, with the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Co., of Philadelphia, to come west. His first trip to Redlands was in April, 1886, but his two weeks visit at that time resulted in his purchasing in September by correspondence a portion of the property on the Heights, to which he has since made additions, thus enlarging it to 225 acres. He also has become owner of other lots and tracts in the city. Of the home tract about 20 acres are set to oranges, planted in 1890-91. Upon this property are two and one-half miles of terrace and a winding road through a eucalyptus grove of 23,000 trees (12 acres), planted in 1887 and 1889.
On his arrival in Redlands, besides the care of his ranch, he engaged with his brother, Issac Ford, in the surveying business, which he prosecuted for three years. He then gave his entire time to ranching, until May, 1895, when he entered the Union bank as bookkeeper. In August, of the present year, he was promoted to the position of assistant cashier, and about the same time was elected a director of the Redlands Heights Water Company. In Philadelphia, in November, 1887, he was married to Miss Sallie Leeds, of Atlantic City, N. J. They have three children, two girls and one boy.
(Source: Illustrated Redlands, 1897, p. 43)
Harry H. Ford, After the 1913 Freeze
H.H. Ford Home, Sunset Drive