A native of Michigan, where he was born, at Matherton, Ionia county, Sept. 11, 1860. I. M. Hough went to Detroit at 16 years of age, and was for four years interested in the Detroit Ink Company. Removing afterward to Kansas, he lived in that state until 1887, when he came to California, and soon afterward to Redlands. While in Kansas, and some of the time after his arrival in Redlands, Mr. Hough was engaged in carpenter and mill work. He was for a time an employe of Mssrs. Pratt & Seymour, in their planing mill, and afterwards took contracts for teaming for the Bear Valley Company. In 1889 Mr. Hough was appointed superintendent of streets, succeeding R. H. Kendall, who had held the office for about six months after the city was incorporated. He resigned this position in 1892, and was succeeded by James A. Stone. Mr. Hough was a constable of Redlands township for six years, and is now deputy marshal of the city. In April, 1885, he was married at Salina, Kansas, to Ella M. Monteith, a native of Ohio. They have one child, a son.
(Source: Illustrated Redlands, 1897, p. 27.)