Love, John V. A. (1846-1908)

Pennsylvania contributed one of the early settlers in Redlands in the person of J.V.A. Love, who came to this city in April, l886.  Mr. Love was born in Steelville, Chester Co., Pa., in l846, where he lived upon a farm with his parents and attended the common schools.  His father, however, was at that time owner of three mills, making paper, flour and lumber.  With his parents he moved to Brunswick, Ill., in l855 and subsequently, in 1866, he took a preparatory course in the academy at Galesberg, in the same state.  Previous to this he had worked upon a farm, and in a flour and lumber mill belonging to his father.  In 1868 he commenced railroading, and for twelve years was yardmaster at Peoria, Ill., for the C.B.& Q.R.R.  Afterward he was with the Wabash, the Union Pacific and the Great Northern, in Northern Minnesota.  He then came to Redlands as above mentioned.  Soon after arrival he bought his present home place, on Fern avenue.  He also formed a partnership with J.S. Edwards in the nursery business, which continued until the spring of 1893.  Since that time he has been attending to and improving his own properties.  In the fall of 1886, in Peoria, Ill., he was married to Miss Margaret E. Waugh, a native of the same place.  Mr. Love’s father died in Fulton county, Ill., Feb. 20, 1882, at the age of 83.  His mother, 84 years old, is still living at the old homestead in Illinois.


(Source:  Illustrated Redlands, 1897, p. 61.)