Ralph Gaylord Rohrer, the undertaker and embalmer, was born in Chester, Pa., May 23, 1875, but lived most of his life at Carthage, Ill. In that city he obtained a common and high school education. At the age of 15 years he entered Carthage College and took a two years’ general course. He afterward took a special course in the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, which is the Dental Department of the Lake Forest University. There he made a special study of anatomy. From Chicago Mr. Rohrer came to Redlands in August 1893. For a year and a half after his arrival in this city he was a student of dentistry in the office of Dr. Bedford. At the end of that time circumstances somewhat modified his choice of a profession, and he became connected with the undertaking branch of the Rohrer Furniture Company’s business. The Rohrer Company succeeded Henry Fuller & Co. February 22, 1895, and Ralph G. Rohrer has been associated with this business ever since, finding an excellent foundation, for the practical part of the profession, in the education which he received at Chicago.
Having determined to devote himself to undertaking and embalming as a life work, Mr. Rohrer has studied to make himself as efficient as possible and to conduct a business of the very highest standard. The care of the dead is a delicate duty, which calls for the utmost discretion, that the bereaved may not be unnecessarily disturbed by those preparations which must precede burial and their grief intensified by the fear of careless handling of the body of the deceased, by doubt as to whether the preservation of the remains will be properly done. The care of the body, the preparations for the funeral and the burial itself all call for refinement and intelligence. Thus it is, the office of undertaker and embalmer is one worthy of careful study, and Mr. Rohrer has given it that attention necessary to command the respect and confidence of those who may need his services. He assures his patrons that each case will receive his best efforts and the bodies committed to his care will be handled with the respect desired by the most exacting. He has equipped his place of business on West State street, three doors west of the First National Bank, with everything necessary to satisfy the wish of any patron, while avoiding undue and conspicuous ostentation. He has a commodious mortuary chapel, a funeral car of the best obtainable style and workmanship, a hearse for the lighter work and an ambulance. His stock consists of a very complete line of funeral supplies, from the cheapest coffin to the high-grade metallic casket.
Mr. Rohrer’s funeral parlors are open day and night, and his services are always obtainable. All calls are met with prompt attention. The services of an experienced and competent lady assistant are always to be had when occasion requires them. The establishment makes a specialty of the embalming and shipment of bodies. Its success in this line of work has been notable – each and every case has reached its destination in a perfect state of preservation.
Mr. Rohrer is president of Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a member of the Order of Knights of Pythias.
(Source: Illustrated Redlands, 1897, p. 88)