The Redlands Area Historical Society, Inc.
Heritage Award 1982
Thomas G. Barnard House
1216 West Highland Avenue
In the June 27, l89l, Citrograph it states that “Mr. Thomas G. Barnard, of Los Angeles, owns a choice twenty-acre orange grove in the Mayberry tract in West Redlands. He has had a residence and barn erected at a cost of $5000, and has otherwise improved his place. He thinks the East San Bernardino Valley is destined to be the wealthiest and most productive spot in the world. His son, A.H. Barnard, and family are living on the ranch.” In 1894 the family of C.W.A. Cartlidge came to Redlands for health reasons. Mr. Cartlidge became Vice President of the Redlands Street Railroad Company. He, his wife, and their four daughters made 1216 West Highland their home for several years. The house also enjoyed the residency of Worden Bethell who was a leading landscape artist.
This classic box-shaped, two-story home has a hip roof with two dormers The house has a large wraparound porch with Doric columns supporting the second story. The bay window with second floor balustrade adds to the character of the home. The original barn with a hayloft sits to the side of the house. The barn’s renovation and use today compliment the patio and pool. Painted a light tan with white trim and black shutters, the house, barn, and grounds are well maintained today.
The present owners are Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mitchell.
The Redlands Area Historical Society does itself honor in singling out this unique example of our town’s heritage and in commending the stewardship of the owners.