Dr. E. Bedford was born at Millview, Pennsylvania, April 21, 1844. After receiving a common school education he studied dentistry at Canton, Pa. He commenced the practice of his profession at Havana, Ill., and also practices at Grand Rapids, Mich., Worthington, Minn., and Sioux City, Iowa. He was married in 1866 to Miss Anna R. Merrick, a native of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Bedford resided at Sioux City from 1877 until he came to California for a permanent residence, in 1891, having previously resided for a short time at Ontario, California. On deciding to make a permanent home in California he came to Redlands and opened an office on East State street, near Orange. After a year he removed to his present rooms in the Sanborn-Meserve block, which he has since occupied. Dr. Bedford has a brother, Dr. L.N. Bedford, who is also practicing dentistry, at San Bernardino. Dr. Bedford has had the longest continuous residence in Redlands of any dentist practicing here.
(Source: Illustrated Redlands, 1897, p. 68.)