Pablo V. Garcia was born in San Bernardino in 1868. His father was born in the City of Mexico, but was for several years in business in Los Angeles. When 12 years of age Pablo commenced to learn the details of the butcher business with Manuel Baca, and in 1887 he came to Redlands and purchased a half interest with Juan Baca, a cousin of Manuel. In this they were successors to the oldest business of the kind in Redlands. After a year and a half Mr. Garcia sold his interest to his partner and went to British Columbia, where he engaged for a time in buying and selling live stock. He then removed to old Mexico, where he spent a year and a half selling printing presses. Having been taken sick he came North, and was in Riverside one year.
Returning to Redlands in 1892, Mr. Garcia opened the Gem Meat market at his present location on West State street, where he has been doing business ever since. December 5, 1895, he was married at Pomona to Isabella Baca, a daughter of his former employer, Manuel Baca, then living at Chino. They have one child, a son, now a year old.
Mr. Garcia conducts his business on a somewhat different plan from that of many in this country, as he buys and slaughters all the cattle sold to his patrons. The more common custom in this country is for the retail dealer to purchase his meats already slaughtered from wholesale dealers. Mr. Garcia has his establishment furnished with refrigerating apparatus of his own designing, the result of several experiments, and has found it to be admirable adapted to the purpose for which it is used. A constantly growing business is proof of the fact that his patrons are pleased with the service that he renders. Perhaps in no other department of food supplies is there a greater need of care, cleanliness and careful attention to every detail. Mr. Garcia has made a success by giving his constant personal attention to these matters.
(Source: Illustrated Redlands, 1897, p. 75.)