Dr. W. R. Heacock, the dentist, was born in Madison county, Iowa, in 1868, but was taken by his parents at an early age to Southern Kansas, and afterward to Western Kansas, where he lived upon a farm until thirteen years of age. After that age he attended school at Beloit, Kansas, and was graduated from the high school in that place. In 1888 he came to California, going first to San Francisco where he was, for two years, a clerk in the auditing department of Wells, Fargo & Co. In 1890 he came to Redlands as general secretary of the Redlands Y. M. C. A., being the third to occupy that position, which he filled for nearly two years and a half.
During Dr. Heacock’s incumbency of this office the present Y.M.C. A. building was commenced, the corner stone being laid November 24, 1892. subscriptions amounting to $13,500 were raised among the citizens of Redlands, the old Y. M.C. A. building (completed and occupied October 8, 1887) was sold for $7,500 more, and with these funds assured the building was pushed to completion March 4, 189?. Dr. Heacock is still a member of the board of directors of the Y.M. C. A., and is also a member of the Baptist Church.
After resigning his work as secretary, Dr. Heacock commenced the study of dentistry near Kansas City. After spending something over a year there, he studied for a year in the department of dentistry of the University of California, at San Francisco. Returning to Redlands at the completion of this course he opened an office and has since practiced his profession here. His is now located at No. 118 Cajon street.
Dr. Heacock was married March 24, 1897, to Miss Irma E. Foote, a daughter of E. S. Foote, of Redlands, and they have since resided on Cajon street in this city.
(Source: Illustrated Redlands, 1897, p. 78)