Henry D. Moore is a son of Dr. Daniel H. Moore, for many years a prominent physician of New Haven, Conn. Born in that city in 1838, he was educated at the public schools and took a special course in chemistry at Yale University. When about 17 years of age he went to the West Indies with an uncle and engaged there in the sugar trade for three or four years. Afterward he was in the wholesale carpet business at Hartford, Conn., until 1862, when he went to Central America and followed commercial pursuits at Granada, Nicaragua. Returning to the United States, Mr. Moore resided at Hartford and became a manufacturer of paper and wood pulp. In 1883 he removed to Boston and later to New York City, where he was engaged in business until the spring of 1891, when he came to California.
After looking about for six weeks Mr. Moore chose Redlands as a place of residence and since that time has lived in this city, having planted and cared for his orange grove at Terracina. Mr. Moore is president of the West Redlands Water Company and also of the Redlands Horticultural Club, a valuable and active organization devoted to the horticultural interests of Redlands and vicinity, which was organized in February, 1897. Both Mr. and Mrs. Moore are enthusiastic lovers of California and Redlands and are always outspoken in upholding its advantages of scenery, climate and industrial conditions.
(Source: Illustrated Redlands, 1897, pg. 40)