Rev. W.M. Sterling, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, was born in Newport, Nova Scotia, July 4,1845. He received his early education in the common schools of his native place and at Wesleyan Academy, Sackville, New Brunswick. His next course of study was taken at Wesleyan University, at Middletown, Conn. He then entered Boston Theological Seminary. Finishing his education there, his first pastorate was at Newport, Vermont, which was followed by an appointment to Lyndon, in the same state. Afterward he served the Congress St. church, Portland, Maine, and then went to Augusta; then to the Wesley church, Bath, and afterward to Brunswick and Waterville, all in the Pine Tree state. His next appointment was to the Baker Memorial church, Concord, N.H., which was followed by the 13th Avenue church, Minneapolis, Minn. He then came to California and has occupied pulpits in Santa Ana, Riverside, Los Angeles, Asbury and Central. His appointment to this city dates from October of the present year. In Barton, Vt., on April 16 1874, he was married to Miss Eva E. Drew, a native of the same place. They have one child, Ellen.
(Source: Illustrated Redlands, 1897, p. 61.)