The Redlands Area Historical Society, Inc.
C.C. Bishop Home
440 Cajon Street
The building at 440 Cajon Street was constructed at a cost of $5,000.00 and belonged to a Mr. C. G. Bishop. In 1895 Mr. Charles G. Rohrer rented this home and later bought it. Mr. Rohrer, a native of Germany, lived in Virginia during the Civil War where he had a difficult time as he was a Union sympathizer. In 1893 he moved to Redlands with his family. He was to purchase the property at Fifth and Citrus, later the home of the Redlands Daily Facts, where he was the owner of one of the first furniture and carpet stores in Redlands.
The Rohrer home on Cajon is a one and one-half story frame building with a dominant feature the large open verandas extending across the front and around both sides of the house. Two sets of stairs, one on each side of the building, lead to this porch. Built in the Queen Anne style with square pillared posts, shells and glass, have been used to ornament the pediment. There is a bay window and Italian brackets have been used. The exterior is constructed of large, horizontal boards set on a concrete foundation. Fish-scale shingles on the second floor surround a large gable with a recessed balcony. The roof line is adorned with a boxed cornice and a decorated frieze.
Winning awards is not new to this building. In 1897 it was given the Smiley Award for its well kept grounds and home.
There have been numerous uses made of the structure. In 1963 the Girl Scouts used it as their area headquarters, in fact did so for several years.
Vacant for a number of years, this structure has recently been restored and adapted for use as “The Learning Center.” Today’s owners, Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Smith and Dr. William Nelson, have effectively renovated the building to meet present day needs, while maintaining the charm and authenticity of the past.
The Redlands Area Historical Society is proud to honor this unique example of Redlands’ heritage and to commend the stewardship of its present owners.