The Redlands Area Historical Society, Inc.
Program Announcement
“The History of Patton State Hospital”
Monday, September 25, 2023
7:00 p.m.
The Contemporary Club
173 S. Eureka Street, Redlands
The Redlands Area Historical Society has invited Anthony Ortega for a return engagement on September 25, 2023 at the Contemporary Club, 173 S. Eureka Street at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Ortega is the chief social worker at the hospital. In this position he has studied the hospital history beginning in 1893. At first the Patton Insane Asylum operated under an entirely different philosophy of care. Mr. Ortega has accumulated philosophical changes and gathered previous equipment for a museum that documents these improvements.
The original hospital buildings were gothic in design. Stone for construction came from the Mill Creek Sandstone Company with headquarters in Mentone. The quarry cut and finished polished sandstone that was shipped by wagon from Mill Creek to the Mentone Santa Fe Depot for shipment to Highland and the Patton Depot.
The hospital provides treatment for mental illness for nearly 1,500 patients daily. Museum studies’ students from Cal State, San Bernardino since 2015 assisted Ortega to create a museum. The power-point program is very interesting and begins showing the original buildings that housed the hospital.
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