The Redlands Area Historical Society, Inc.
Heritage Award 1991
Hannah P. Sheppard Home
526 Chestnut Avenue
In June of 1910 a water connection was recorded showing that a structure was to be built on the property at 526 Chestnut. This record was in the name of Hannah P. Sheppard who apparently lived next door at the time. The Sheppards soon moved to an address on West Palm Avenue and little else is known of the occupants of the property until 1919. The house is shown on the 1915 Sanborn fire map which also shows an outbuilding on the left rear of the lot.
In 1919 Anna D. Richardson, widow of W. T. Richardson, is listed as the occupant of the house. She lived there through the twenties. William Van Bibber is listed as the resident through 1950. In 1967 the house was bought by T. I. McGill. The house is owned today by Douglas and Linda Gray who purchased it in 1986. Since then they have put in a driveway, replaced the floor of the porch, refurbished one bathroom, added another bathroom and painted the exterior of the house.
The house is a front gabled craftsman cottage. The gabled roof extends forward to cover a porch that is supported by piers and posts that merge into the softly arched upper wall. There are overhanging eaves with false brackets. The windows in the front and west side of the house have an interesting five over one configuration. The front door is oak with six beveled glass panes. There is a bay window on the west side of the house. The foundation is cut stone. All exterior wall surfaces are horizontal siding.
We would like to commend the Grays for the time and effort they have put into this charming structure. We wish them well as they continue the process of restoration to accommodate the needs of their family.