Meyers Residence – Adjunct


The Redlands Area Historical Society, Inc.
Heritage Award 1986

Meyers Residence – Adjunct
1336 Prospect Drive

1n 1903 Mr. Meyers, of the Leggitt & Meyers Tobacco Co. hired Davis Donald to build a house at what is now 1336 Prospect Drive. The cottage was to serve as a residence for his secretary. At that time Mr. Meyers and his family were living in the adjacent mansion.

The house later became the property of the James Sloan family. In 1942 Mr. Henry Van Stratin became the caretaker for the Sloans and the cottage became the Van Straten family residence.

In the 1950’s the mansion was demolished to make way for a modern structure. The cottage was left and, although owned by Mr. James Sloan, Jr,, remains the home of the Van Stratens for their lifetime.

This charming home can best be described as a workmans’ cottage with brick foundation and shingle siding. It features an ornamental fanned vent above the front entrance. The house was reportedly built from materials left over from the building of the main house.

The Van Stratens have lovingly maintained the home and beautiful gardens throughout the years and have created an outstanding example of a small cottage property that might well serve as an example for others in Redlands.